
“Who Were Those Wise Men?”

Here at Mays Mission, we love to receive Christmas cards from our friends. We tape them up on the walls for decoration so everyone can enjoy them. Many of the Christmas cards will have the manger scene which almost always includes the star above the manger. Some will have the three wise men, or Magi, or kings, bringing their gifts to baby Jesus. But just who are those three guys? We did a little research just so we can tell you what we learned about them.

The Bible tells about these “Magi” in Matthew. Here’s what we know for certain:

They were astrologers.

They came from the east.

They recognized the new star as fulfillment of ancient prophecy proclaiming that the long-awaited Messiah had finally come to earth.
They traveled thousands of miles to bring gifts to the new-born Messiah and to worship him.

That’s about it! Tradition and history can add some possibilities of great interest concerning these Magi. The Magi were a religious caste and one of the six tribes of Media (an ancient kingdom located in what is now northern Iran). Our modern day word magician comes from the magi because they were known for practicing magic. They also interpreted omens and dreams and offered astrological sacrifices. Before Jesus, they worshiped only the elements, fire, air, earth and water, especially fire.

We don’t really know how many of them there were. Scholars based the “three” on their three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh they brought with them to give to baby Jesus. These men were truly wise men because they went looking for God. They didn’t expect God to come looking for them. They recognized baby Jesus as the Messiah for the entire world—not just for the Jews. They took gifts to the Messiah—they didn’t expect God to give them gifts.

Those who are wise still seek and worship Jesus today, not for what they can get—but for who He is.

The family of Mays Mission wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas. If you would like to help us advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities in your area call us or email us at and we can send you free brochures to pass out in your community. These brochures were produced by individuals with disabilities here at Mays Mission.


The Greatest Gift

It’s that time of year again – the Christmas season. The brightly colored autumn leaves have fallen to the ground, announcing a time of rest and relaxation for many living things. We’ve stuffed ourselves with juicy Thanksgiving turkey and loads of luscious desserts from our bountiful buffets. People are putting up the Christmas decorations and the malls are calling for us to come and shop.

In all the hustle and bustle, let’s not forget the “reason for the season,” the birth of Jesus. He came to us just as foretold by prophets of old (Isaiah 7:14). Without his birth, there would have been no atonement for sin. We would still be sacrificing bulls, lambs and doves – presenting our sins to a high priest once a year. If He hadn’t come we would be unable to enter the most holy place – the throne room of God – are present out prayers and petitions (Hebrews 4:15, 16). He came that we might have abundant life (John 10:10).

As we enter this holiday season, let’s not forget those who might have difficulty getting out and about. Offer a ride to a friend with a disability or someone who may have difficulty navigating a shopping center or mall. Offer to shop for someone who may be unable to get out for whatever reason. A little kindness and friendliness and a show of care and compassion may be just the ticket to make someone’s Christmas time a little more stress-free.

I can think of no better verse – no better gift, than what is the quoted scripture: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

God bless you all! And thank you for supporting people with disabilities!