
February is “Heart Awareness Month”

February is “Heart Awareness Month” and Valentine’s Day brings to mind a time to show our love to those we care about. In addition, February has become associated with the Random Acts of Kindness program. Random acts of kindness are especially appreciated by caregivers, the elderly and those in hospitals and nursing homes.

Here are some suggestions to make this a special time of year. Most can be adapted to individuals as well as the various care facilities in your community:

              Volunteer to read out loud to individuals or care                             facility groups.

              Drop in for a chat and bring a treat such as a                                   ready-to-heat casserole.

              Arrange for a two-hour housecleaning session.

              Volunteer to take an elderly neighbor out to run                              errands.

              Send scenic postcards to patients in a local care                              facility that don’t have any relatives.

              If you have musical talents, volunteer to lead a                               sing-along session at a local care facility.

              Enjoy baking? Drop off a plate of cookies or some                          cupcakes.

              Enjoy gardening? Help a neighbor plant or weed                             their garden.

For more great ideas on volunteering call us or email us at for free copies of our brochures ‘Faith In Action Care Givers Alliance’ or ‘The Spirit of Volunteerism’ today. These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities here at Mays Mission for the Handicapped.