
Vacation Time

Everyone needs a break from the hustle and bustle of his or her everyday routine. Whether you are working a 40-hour a week job, being a house-mom, volunteering or even retired, we all like to get out and get away from our usual environment and take a vacation. Trips to the big city, camping, theme parks and national and state parks are just a few of the multitude of possibilities for a family vacation.

For people with disabilities, just a smidgen of planning ahead can prevent heartbreak, disappointment and potentially risky situations. Most attractions, such as theme and national parks have made their sites accessible to the disabled thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Yet, due to a variety of issues and unforeseen circumstances, what is available to the able-bodied individual may vary somewhat from what is available to the disabled traveler.

When making hotel/motel reservations, always ask the manager of the facility to describe “handicapped” rooms. What works for the “average” traveler may not work for you. In my travels across the nation, it’s not uncommon to reserve a room only to find out that my wheelchair cannot get through the bathroom door. There’s no such thing as “over planning.”

If flying, try to take very necessary items with you in your carry-on luggage. Especially remember your essential medications. If your regular luggage should happen to get lost or end up on another flight, you will probably be a little more at ease.

 For more information on vacationing with disabilities, call 888-503-7955 or email us at for our brochure, “The Disabled Traveler.” Have fun and be safe!

Encourage businesses in you area to hire individuals with disabilities! Call us for brochures to pass out to employers in your community and help us spread the word!


Good Neighbors

The sweltering heat of summer is upon us.  Record-breaking temperatures have already hit the northeast.  We, here in the south, are always anticipating the “dog-days” of summer-but few can honestly say they enjoy the heat indices commonly above 105.

A healthy able-bodied person may go to the lake for a swim or take a cool dip in a pool.  So refreshing and what a relief!  Yet, for many with disabilities these options are not available.  Therefore, one must take precautions not to get overheated in this volatile time of the year.  It is common for people with spinal cord injuries not to have the ability to perspire, which is the body’s natural cooling system.  Also, as some people age their skin loses elastins (elasticity) thus keeping the skin taut.  This, in turn, causes the body not to perspire as it should.  Over-heating leads to heat-stroke and heat-stroke may lead to death. 

 As friends and neighbors, make it a point to call or visit a friend with a disability or the elderly especially if they are without air conditioning or live alone.  Maybe you could invite them over for a cool sip of lemonade.  Sound silly?  Please do not feel that way.  This not only shows your caring and concern, you may save a life.  Do your part to help us all make it through the dog-days of summer! 

Think about it!

Call us at 1-888-503-7955 or email us at for informational brochures like “Heat Wave – Heat Protection Safety” to show how you can help. These brochures were printed by individuals with disabilities and we provide them to the public free of charge. Thank you and God bless your kind heart!


Become an advocate for people with disabilities today!

What can we do to improve the lives of others, especially those with disabilities?

The dictionary describes an “advocate” as one who publicly supports or suggests an idea, development or way of doing something.

Here at Mays Mission, our primary goal is to aid and assist people with disabilities. Yes, putting to work those who may have difficulty finding gainful employment is one facet of our purpose yet there is so much more.

Public education regarding the abilities and capabilities of people with disabilities is of utmost importance. You see, through our various programs and direct mail, we have the opportunity to inform and educate the public throughout the country that given the opportunity, people with disabilities can become productive citizens.

Through our On-The-Job Training Program we have seen scores of people with a variety of disabilities come and go here at Mays Mission while others have chosen to stay with us. It’s heartwarming to know that some have bought their own homes, learned to drive and purchased automobiles, while some have moved on to bigger and better opportunities. Seeing people succeed and become more independent where at one time hope seemed lost is an indescribable feeling. This On-The-Job Training Program is only possible because of the kind hearts of our donors.

If you would like more information on becoming an advocate for people with disabilities we have free brochures like “The Spirit Of Volunteerism” or “On-The-Job Training” that were produced by employees with disabilities here at Mays Mission. Just call us at 1-888-503-7955 or email us at and we will send some out to you. Thank you for your support!


To Tell Or Not To Tell

Are you disabled and unemployed?  Do you have the feeling that if you tell a potential employer about your disability you won’t be hired?  Great news!  Since the inception of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, there has been a lot of progress for the disabled.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (the “ADA”), an employer may ask disability-related questions and require medical examinations on an applicant only after the applicant has been given a conditional job offer.  However, employers can ask if you can meet the job requirements before being hired.

Another benefit that has occurred since ADA inception is Jobs Accommodation Network (JAN).  JAN is a free consulting service for employers, disabled employees and rehabilitation services. JAN provides free customized worksite accommodation solutions and technical assistance. It works in conjunction with the ADA and other disability-related laws and legislation.  It also provides job searching and a links to employers who are committed to hiring people with disabilities.   

 Last but not least, Mays Mission has made progress helping the disabled.  From on the job training for the disabled to scholarships to help disabled adults get a college degree.  Camperships are important to because the children and adults with disabilities experience recreational opportunities while being around others with similar disabilities.  This is why your support is so important to Mays Mission for the Handicapped and we sincerely thank you for your involvement in keeping the dream of Ewing W. Mays for a Mission to assist the disabled thriving.  He saw the ability in one’s disability.  His dream has given Mays Mission employees a chance to live productive lives. 

For more information on the Americans with Disability Act, contact us at 1-888-503-7955 or email us at  For more information on JAN, go to online or call 1-800-526-7234 (1-877-781-9403 – TTY) – where you will get live professional assistance.

Please share your experiences in the comments section and thank you for supporting individuals with disabilities! And if you would like to share with your community we have brochures like “On-The-Job Training Employees With Disabilities” and “The Americans With Disabilities Act” just email us at and we would be glad to send you some free copies of these brochures that were produced by employees with disabilities right here at Mays Mission.

You can help individuals with disabilities by encouraging businesses in your area to employ people with disabilities.


Just Say Thank You

Ewing Mays began his “mission” by visiting his fellow veterans with whom he shared a common bond.  All of them had been wounded in the war and many of them, like Mr. Mays, had lost a leg or an arm in the service of their country.  He knew what they were going through.  He had been there.  And he was determined to help as many as he could.  He wanted to help them to understand that life could still be worthwhile and he wanted to share with them what he had learned and what he had done to overcome his disability.

But his visits did more.  Each time he visited a veteran’s home or hospital he was also letting the veterans know they were not forgotten and what they had done in the service of their nation was important.  By his mere presence he was letting them know they had done something noble, something which deserved the gratitude of us all.  He was saying “thank you, thank you for your service to your country.”

We all like to hear someone say thank you to us.  It is a phrase which makes us feel good.  The two words give us a sense of accomplishment, a sense of worthiness and the knowledge that someone else believes we did something good. 

Memorial Day is a day for saying thank you.  We remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and we say thank you to them by placing wreaths of flowers, by parades, by speeches, by moments of silence, by fly-overs of jet fighters and by simply saying “thank you.”  This is our national day of saying thank you to all those who served and sacrificed to keep our nation free.  Ewing Mays said thank you each time he visited with a group of his fellow veterans.  He celebrated Memorial Day each time he made a visit.

  Let us all celebrate Memorial Day as Ewing Mays did.  Whenever you meet a veteran, remember to say thank you. Take the opportunity to let a living veteran know you appreciate what they did for our nation. What better way to memorialize those who are gone than by honoring those who are still here.

  For more information email us at and feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you and God bless your kind heart!

Do not assume that a person with a disability is disabled in all areas of life


Strive to do “something!”

Whether you are one of the healthiest people around, young or old, able-bodied or not, we all have dreams and aspirations that we set for ourselves.  Be it monetary, education, employment, marriage-whatever- we all want to succeed in life.

Often time’s people tend to set limitations on themselves and especially those with disabilities.  We all need to set goals in our lives and pursue them with vigor.  Literally anyone can sit around and do nothing.  It takes no talent or ambition.  Anyone can feel sorry for themselves.  In doing so you gain nothing and waste precious time that can never be retrieved.

With that said, how about setting the simple goal of being an encourager?  When your heart is set on helping others you are not only enabling and encouraging them to pursue their dreams but you are setting yourself up to be blessed!  In doing this, you are administering the “Golden Rule” in Matthew 7:12 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…”

Let’s all add one more goal to that list of aspirations – be one who encourages!  You will feel better. They will feel better.  You will pleasing God and fulfilling one of his commands. Give it a shot – be the source of encouragement! 

For more information feel free to call us or email us at and thank you for your support!


Watch them soar!

Mays Mission’s scholarship program for disabled students is one of our favorites, because, through it, we meet the most extraordinary young women and men … and then get to watch them shine and soar!

These kids have often faced and overcome challenge after challenge for their entire lives. They are strong and resilient. They can adapt to almost any situation and have incredible fortitude. But what they are usually lacking is funds, resources, and opportunities to grow, prove their worth, and gain independence. Thanks to our donors these kids prove themselves time and again.

If you would like a free copy of our brochure ‘Preparing for College Grants and Scholarships’ just call or message us. These brochures are produced by disabled employees right here at Mays Mission. Applications for our scholarship can be downloaded from our website:

Thank you for your support. And if you would like to donate to programs like our scholarship program just click the ‘donate’ button. We appreciate our donors so much!


Vacation Time

Everyone needs a break from the hustle and bustle of his or her everyday routine. Whether you are working a 40-hour a week job, being a house-mom, volunteering or even retired, we all like to get out and get away from our usual environment and take a vacation. Trips to the big city, camping, theme parks and national and state parks are just a few of the multitude of possibilities for a family vacation.

For people with disabilities, just a smidgen of planning ahead can prevent heartbreak, disappointment and potentially risky situations. Most attractions, such as theme and national parks have made their sites accessible to the disabled thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Yet, due to a variety of issues and unforeseen circumstances, what is available to the able-bodied individual may vary somewhat from what is available to the disabled traveler.

When making hotel/motel reservations, always ask the manager of the facility to describe “handicapped” rooms. What works for the “average” traveler may not work for you. In my travels across the nation, it’s not uncommon to reserve a room only to find out that my wheelchair cannot get through the bathroom door. There’s no such thing as “over planning.”

If flying, try to take very necessary items with you in your carry-on luggage. Especially remember your essential medications. If your regular luggage should happen to get lost or end up on another flight, you will probably be a little more at ease.

For more information on vacationing with the disabilities, call 888-503-7955 or email us at for our brochure, “The Disabled Traveler.” Have fun and be safe!


The Ewing W. Mays Mission

Ewing W. Mays always remained strong in his belief that there were many goals yet unaccomplished for the Mission. The founder of the Mission was familiar with continuing needs for appropriate housing, jobs, therapy and spiritual guidance for the handicapped. He was dedicated towards these goals.

 Mays Mission for the Handicapped, Inc. began in 1972 with a dream of Mr. Mays’ to provide employment and job training for handicapped workers.  From its meager beginnings the Mission has grown and is now housed in a 10,000-sq. ft. facility.

Today, the Mission has a data processing department, a prepress, and graphic arts department, a complete lettershop, a large bindery, and two large color printing presses.

Ewing W. Mays lost both legs during a shelling attack in 1943 in Sicily where he was serving in World War II. Following his traumatic loss and reflecting on the enormity of it, he said, “I became very angry with the military, with the medical personnel, but most of all I was angry with God for letting such a terrible thing happen to me.”

Young Mays became so despondent, a chaplain was sent in to talk to him. It was during this conversation that a spiritual seed was planted in Mays and he regained the will to live. He began to realize that a loving God might have a worthwhile purpose for him, even though he had no legs.

He attributed his turnaround to two things: discovering Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior and falling in love with his lovely wife, Fay. They were married more than fifty years.

Mays accomplished many great things in his life as a disabled veteran. Initially he toured with a group of disabled veterans and sold war bonds and recruited employees for defense plants. Later he worked tireless hours with the Disabled American Veterans and toured overseas to bring hope to young men who had suffered similar losses.

All of these disabled young men told Mays how much they wanted to work and reclaim some productivity in their lives. In subsequent years, Mays was able to apply this principal equally to disabled civilians.

Mays always said, “The greatest satisfaction of my life has been the establishment of Mays Mission for the Handicapped which provides jobs and job training for so many handicapped folks. Our objective is to apply good, sound Christian ethics and principals to help our handicapped employees achieve economic stability and independence in their lives.”

For more information on how you can help, please call us at 888-503-7955  or email us at today.

Thank you for supporting people with disabilities!


Seeking But Not Finding

What is the first thought that comes to mind when someone utters the word “disabled?”  (Try it. It’s interesting.)  Is it homebound, a wheelchair, someone who is blind or maybe uses a cane or crutch?  Fact is, we all have our own interpretation. And, when it comes to disabilities, no two are alike.

 Although no two disabled individuals are alike, two-thirds of the 54 million disabled individuals in the United States desire employment. I have stated this before but I feel that it deserves repeating; what would happen to our welfare, Medicare, unemployment, and the national debt if these people desiring employment were put to work?  Let’s say less than half of these people started working.  In two years’ time they could be let off welfare, hopefully off Medicare, and contributing to the system instead of depleting. A unique concept? Possibly, but I don’t think so.  People, especially employers and our representatives in Washington, D.C. need to think along these lines and find avenues of training and employment for these people.             We do our best to do our part at Mays Mission for the Handicapped.  In providing on-the-job training and scholarships, we put people with disabilities to work and provide them an opportunity to further their education. You can do your part by encouraging an employer to hire people with disabilities.  Also, call or write your congressman or congresswoman and ask them what they are doing to increase awareness of the fact that people with disabilities want, need, and deserve quality employment.

If you would like to help us advocate on behalf of people with disabilities we have brochures to help and we can provide these to you for free, just message us, call us or email us at and we would love to help. These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities here at Mays Mission. Thank you for your support and God bless your kind heart!