What is the first thought that comes to mind when someone utters the word “disabled?” (Try it. It’s interesting.) Is it homebound, a wheelchair, someone who is blind or maybe uses a cane or crutch? Fact is, we all have our own interpretation. And, when it comes to disabilities, no two are alike.
Although no two disabled individuals are alike, two-thirds of the 54 million disabled individuals in the United States desire employment. I have stated this before but I feel that it deserves repeating; what would happen to our welfare, Medicare, unemployment, and the national debt if these people desiring employment were put to work? Let’s say less than half of these people started working. In two years’ time they could be let off welfare, hopefully off Medicare, and contributing to the system instead of depleting. A unique concept? Possibly, but I don’t think so. People, especially employers and our representatives in Washington, D.C. need to think along these lines and find avenues of training and employment for these people. We do our best to do our part at Mays Mission for the Handicapped. In providing on-the-job training and scholarships, we put people with disabilities to work and provide them an opportunity to further their education. You can do your part by encouraging an employer to hire people with disabilities. Also, call or write your congressman or congresswoman and ask them what they are doing to increase awareness of the fact that people with disabilities want, need, and deserve quality employment.
If you would like to help us advocate on behalf of people with disabilities we have brochures to help and we can provide these to you for free, just message us, call us or email us at info@maysmission.org and we would love to help. These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities here at Mays Mission. Thank you for your support and God bless your kind heart!