
Seeking But Not Finding

What is the first thought that comes to mind when someone utters the word “disabled?”  (Try it. It’s interesting.)  Is it homebound, a wheelchair, someone who is blind or maybe uses a cane or crutch?  Fact is, we all have our own interpretation. And, when it comes to disabilities, no two are alike.

 Although no two disabled individuals are alike, two-thirds of the 54 million disabled individuals in the United States desire employment. I have stated this before but I feel that it deserves repeating; what would happen to our welfare, Medicare, unemployment, and the national debt if these people desiring employment were put to work?  Let’s say less than half of these people started working.  In two years’ time they could be let off welfare, hopefully off Medicare, and contributing to the system instead of depleting. A unique concept? Possibly, but I don’t think so.  People, especially employers and our representatives in Washington, D.C. need to think along these lines and find avenues of training and employment for these people.             We do our best to do our part at Mays Mission for the Handicapped.  In providing on-the-job training and scholarships, we put people with disabilities to work and provide them an opportunity to further their education. You can do your part by encouraging an employer to hire people with disabilities.  Also, call or write your congressman or congresswoman and ask them what they are doing to increase awareness of the fact that people with disabilities want, need, and deserve quality employment.

If you would like to help us advocate on behalf of people with disabilities we have brochures to help and we can provide these to you for free, just message us, call us or email us at and we would love to help. These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities here at Mays Mission. Thank you for your support and God bless your kind heart!


Religious freedom for all

Even though the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed and fully implemented in 1992, not all facilities were required to become “accessible.”  The ADA covered “public accommodations” but has no authority over private institutions and organizations. So let’s talk a bit about “places of worship.”

Churches, synagogues, fellowships or whatever a place of worship chooses to be called do not fall under the auspices, rules and guidelines of the ADA.  Because these institutions are private religious organizations, they are not required to become compliant with Title III of the ADA regarding “public accommodations.”

Now, I have been in many places of worship and have yet to find one where I can’t get through the doors.  Yet once inside, many an obstacle has been found.  Probably the most annoying and inconvenient situation is an inaccessible restroom.  Classrooms and the like can easily be made accommodating but once the plumbing is in place it’s difficult to change.

Situations like this can be very discouraging to people with disabilities.  As usual, changes can be made (and should be) but it’s usually a slow process.  Change will not be made until the problem area is brought to the attention of those in authority.

Check out your place of worship for accessibility issues and report your findings to those in authority. Try to get a plan of action to make necessary changes.

In a land that was founded on religious freedom, would it be a shame if we all were not comfortable in our respective places of worship?

If you would like more information or one of our free brochures like “Making Your Community Accessible” or “The Americans With Disabilities Act” to pass out in your community call us toll free at 1-888-503-7955 or email us at These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities here at Mays Mission. Thanks and please share in the comments section.


Everything in life happens for a reason

Everything in life happens for a reason.  So often we as humans just don’t understand why.  Sometimes disabilities are a result of our own mistakes such as drinking and driving or merely not thinking before acting.

When one is born with a disability or is genetically predisposed to a disabling condition we all too often go to God and ask “why?” In our finite way of thinking we often see the disability as something negative, only thinking of ourselves. This is not to say that we cannot question God or pray and ask Him to deliver us from our illnesses. 

My grand-nephew, the grandson of my brother, was born with Down syndrome. My brother, in his first reactions, questioned God wondering how such a thing could happen.  After much thought and a grieving process he found peace. In his prayer time, while seeking God’s comfort the thought came to him; “Has God ever made a mistake?” Without a doubt, the answer had to be “No!”

In the New Living Translation, Romans 8:28 says “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” It didn’t say “some things,” it says “all things.”

Even though disabilities happen, and whether or not they ever disappear, our lives touch and affect others. Whether it’s for inspiration or to cause us be thankful for what God has given us, everything has its purpose. 

Thank you for your support of Mays Mission for the Handicapped. If you would like more information or free brochures to hand out in your community and help us advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities call us or email us at today. And feel free to share your experiences in the comments section.


A wheelchair for Joshua

Mays Mission for the Handicapped is proud to announce we donated a wheelchair to former employee Joshua Garret. Joshua was very proud to receive the wheelchair, saying “This is much appreciated as I enter the next phase of my life.”

We originally bought the wheelchair while Joshua was working for us because, as a double amputee, it was difficult for him to be on his prosthetics all day. Joshua said it was much nicer and in better condition than his chair at home and could use one for home as well.

We were more than happy to provide him with this chair and we wish Joshua well in all his future endeavors.

To learn more call us or comment and we would be glad to provide you with more information and free brochures to help advocate on behalf of people with disabilities in your community. These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities like Joshua.

Thanks for you support!


Mission Gift Paks

  Mays Mission likes to call our employees with disabilities “handicapable” employees.

  One exciting and rewarding project for the employees of Mays Mission for the Handicapped is the Gift Pak program. This program helps our employees with disabilities help themselves.

  The Gift Paks are put together from items produced at the Mission. Each Gift Pak contains a pen, postcards, personal notepads, bookmarks, and our New Hope Newsletter. They are designed, printed, and assembled by the Handicapable employees of Mays Mission.

  Each year our representatives make tours across the United States visiting some of our handicapped friends and stopping at nursing care facilities to distribute these Gift Paks. We also ship our Gift Paks out to interested nursing homes.

  When we began this program we had no idea it would receive such a favorable response. We received many letters from nursing home directors expressing how much each resident enjoyed the Gift Pak. We are certainly proud of them!

  It is through the generosity of our donors that we are able to help others. For more information, or for gift paks that you can help distribute, please call us at 888-503-7955 or email us at today and please feel free to share your experiences in the comments section.


Become an advocate for people with disabilities today!

What can we do to improve the lives of others, especially those with disabilities?

The dictionary describes an “advocate” as one who publicly supports or suggests an idea, development or way of doing something.

Here at Mays Mission, our primary goal is to aid and assist people with disabilities. Yes, putting to work those who may have difficulty finding gainful employment is one facet of our purpose yet there is so much more.

Public education regarding the abilities and capabilities of people with disabilities is of utmost importance. You see, through our various programs and direct mail, we have the opportunity to inform and educate the public throughout the country that given the opportunity, people with disabilities can become productive citizens.

Through our On-The-Job Training Program we have seen scores of people with a variety of disabilities come and go here at Mays Mission while others have chosen to stay with us. It’s heartwarming to know that some have bought their own homes, learned to drive and purchased automobiles, while some have moved on to bigger and better opportunities. Seeing people succeed and become more independent where at one time hope seemed lost is an indescribable feeling. This On-The-Job Training Program is only possible because of the kind hearts of our donors.

For over fifty years now here at Mays Mission we have had one goal: to aid and assist people with disabilities. Won’t you please join us?  Call us at 1-888-503-7955, email us at or message us on Facebook or Instagram to learn more about our programs and see how you can be an advocate for people with disabilities. We have brochures produced by individuals with disabilities we can send you free of charge to share in your community. And we accept donations through Paypal, just click the donate button here on our website. Thank you so much for your help in our mission of over 50 years of serving the disabled!


Total eclipse at Mays Mission

On the afternoon of April the 8th, Mays Mission employees were treated with a chance to see the solar eclipse. Here in Arkansas we were fortunate enough to be in the direct path of totality and employees took a few minutes to witness this natural phenomenon with special glasses provided to us by our local Chamber Of Commerce here in Heber Springs.

At around 1:55 PM the moon had traveled directly in front of the sun and we got to see this incredibly rare moment. It was dark enough some stars were visible in the sky and God blessed us with beautiful weather and a clear sky to experience this rare event. Such an event is rare enough there won’t be another in North America until 2044.

Thanks for supporting May Mission for the Handicapped. If you would like to help us advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities in your community we have brochures we can provide you with free of charge. These brochures were produced by individuals with disabilities here at Mays Mission.


Planning Ahead

It’s always a good, no – make that a great idea – to plan ahead when doing most anything. My thought in this edition though is for building or buying a home when people with disabilities and the elderly are involved – especially with arthritis. What’s described below is not consistently true, but it’s a good rule to follow.

In 1994 we decided to build a 1600 sq. ft. home. Being in a wheelchair for 23 years at that time, I knew very well what I wanted to include and what things to avoid. Obviously, stairs, steps and a wheelchair do not mix. That meant either build on a concrete slab or be prepared to build a ramp. Next, we wanted the home easy to navigate. We made all our doorways 3 feet wide. The only exceptions were linen closets, broom closets and the like. In our hallway, we added another 6 inches (42” total) so that the turning radius into any room was adequate without scuffing or tearing off trim and molding. One bathroom had a roll-in shower with a handheld shower head.     

Now, what I’ve said so far may not sound like any big deal. But what a few “able-bodied” people have commented on when they come to visit is “your home is so spacious. I don’t feel cramped at all.” “You have so much room.” Even the people who make deliveries comment on the width of the doors making it much easier to bring in furniture and appliances.

These are just a few ideas that can make life easier for those of us who have trouble getting around. Think of these when building or look for them when buying. For more ideas request our free brochure, “Making Your Home User Friendly,” by calling us at 1-888-503-7955 or email us at today. We are all aging one day at a time. Looking ahead and planning when making one of the biggest investments of our lives may be the best thing we’ve ever done!

And if you have any experience with this subject please feel free to share in the comments section. Thanks!


Don’t count them out!

What do these men have in common: Thomas Edison, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein and Jim Abbott?  Before we get to that, let’s talk a little about “equality.”  Now, I am not talking about getting all excited about race or gender, but thinking more along the lines of simply being human. 

When the Pilgrims left England in pursuit of freedom, they found themselves in a new, untamed world.  Although there were many similarities to the land they left behind, there were struggles ahead to establish what they once knew as “ordinary life.”  The land needed to be cleared for homes and farming.  Trades and businesses needed to be established so the new inhabitants could carry out the chores of settling towns and cities.  The tasks ahead were monumental.  Had so many not put forth a great effort, they surely would have failed.

Now, when we think of people with disabilities, countless citizens desire to put forth the effort, yet many are not given the opportunity to prove themselves.  Countless numbers are prejudged by physical appearance, a speech impediment or something perceived as an “obviously disability.”

Did you know that Thomas Edison was thought to have a learning disability and didn’t learn to read until the age of twelve?  Beethoven became deaf at about age 26 and composed some of his greatest works thereafter.  Albert Einstein had a learning disability and did not speak until age 3. He had a very difficult time doing math in school. It was also very hard for him to express himself through writing.  Jim Abbott was born with one hand.  He was an “All America” pitcher for the University of Michigan.  Abbott was drafted into the major leagues and eventually went on to pitch a “no hitter” for the New York Yankees against the Cleveland Indians.

All these men were given an opportunity to prove themselves despite a handicap or disability.  And, that’s what we do at Mays Mission.

Now, would you go out and encourage an employer to give people with disabilities a chance?  They would appreciate it and you will feel better for giving someone the opportunity to succeed.

If you would like more information on how you can help please call 888-503-7955 or email us at today. And thank you for supporting people with disabilities!

Hiring the disabled is smart business!


David Marrs: Superhero!

A lot of our donors know that David Marrs is an integral part of the Mays Mission Production Team and has never let his disability hold him down. But you may not know that David Marrs is also heavily involved with the Heber Springs Chamber of Commerce as a volunteer in our community.

David has been volunteering with the Chamber for several years now pitching in at local business grand openings and community events like the local fireworks extravaganza over the Fourth of July every year and big tourist attractions like the upcoming local Springfest where David assists locals and tourists alike in the attractions. David is on a first name basis with many local politicians and business owners because of his volunteering efforts.

The folks at the Chamber of Commerce have made David an ‘Ambassador’ as a representative of Mays Mission and is a past recipient of the Chamber of Commerce ‘Super Hero’ Award for his volunteering achievements. Mays Mission for the Handicapped is proud of David and his community heroics!

David meeting Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin at a recent Chamber of Commerce Banquet.