
Don’t count them out!

What do these men have in common: Thomas Edison, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein and Jim Abbott?  Before we get to that, let’s talk a little about “equality.”  Now, I am not talking about getting all excited about race or gender, but thinking more along the lines of simply being human. 

When the Pilgrims left England in pursuit of freedom, they found themselves in a new, untamed world.  Although there were many similarities to the land they left behind, there were struggles ahead to establish what they once knew as “ordinary life.”  The land needed to be cleared for homes and farming.  Trades and businesses needed to be established so the new inhabitants could carry out the chores of settling towns and cities.  The tasks ahead were monumental.  Had so many not put forth a great effort, they surely would have failed.

Now, when we think of people with disabilities, countless citizens desire to put forth the effort, yet many are not given the opportunity to prove themselves.  Countless numbers are prejudged by physical appearance, a speech impediment or something perceived as an “obviously disability.”

Did you know that Thomas Edison was thought to have a learning disability and didn’t learn to read until the age of twelve?  Beethoven became deaf at about age 26 and composed some of his greatest works thereafter.  Albert Einstein had a learning disability and did not speak until age 3. He had a very difficult time doing math in school. It was also very hard for him to express himself through writing.  Jim Abbott was born with one hand.  He was an “All America” pitcher for the University of Michigan.  Abbott was drafted into the major leagues and eventually went on to pitch a “no hitter” for the New York Yankees against the Cleveland Indians.

All these men were given an opportunity to prove themselves despite a handicap or disability.  And, that’s what we do at Mays Mission.

Now, would you go out and encourage an employer to give people with disabilities a chance?  They would appreciate it and you will feel better for giving someone the opportunity to succeed.

If you would like more information on how you can help please call 888-503-7955 or email us at today. And thank you for supporting people with disabilities!

Hiring the disabled is smart business!


Disability is Ok!

I once wrote about my pastor’s son going to St. Louis for some specified surgery to relieve spasticity related to cerebral palsy (CP).  He is doing very well and the doctors are extremely pleased with the outcome. Pastor said something about it in one of his sermons which sincerely hit home with me. In preparing to make the trip from Searcy, Arkansas to St. Louis, my pastor asked his son if he was still feeling good about the pending surgery. The response was positive and then further explained: “You know daddy, I’m really not that disappointed with the life I have now.” Dad was dumbfounded!

Those not having to deal with disability in the first-person (they themselves afflicted), often try to push or force “cures,” “healing processes,” or the latest technologies on to those they care for.  For certain, this desire to see a son, daughter, brother or sister cured of their disability stems from a deep, sincere love.

Sometimes though, as stated above, people with disabilities are satisfied to live the life that has been dealt them.  It’s not that bad.  Our desires to see improvements in the quality of life of others are good, commendable and probably natural, especially in the eyes of loving parents.  And, even though parents often know what’s best, it is a good idea (most of the time) to include “everyone” in the decision-making process.

Discuss disabilities with loved ones.  If they are comfortable with life the way life is, it may be best to simply love them like you always have and leave well enough alone.  Just some food for thought!

Thank you for your support. Feel free to call us or email us for copies of brochures like “The Spirit of Volunteerism” or “Faith In Action Caregivers Alliance” that were produced by employees with disabilities right here at Mays Mission.


David Marrs: Superhero!

A lot of our donors know that David Marrs is an integral part of the Mays Mission Production Team and has never let his disability hold him down. But you may not know that David Marrs is also heavily involved with the Heber Springs Chamber of Commerce as a volunteer in our community.

David has been volunteering with the Chamber for several years now pitching in at local business grand openings and community events like the local fireworks extravaganza over the Fourth of July every year and big tourist attractions like the upcoming local Springfest where David assists locals and tourists alike in the attractions. David is on a first name basis with many local politicians and business owners because of his volunteering efforts.

The folks at the Chamber of Commerce have made David an ‘Ambassador’ as a representative of Mays Mission and is a past recipient of the Chamber of Commerce ‘Super Hero’ Award for his volunteering achievements. Mays Mission for the Handicapped is proud of David and his community heroics!

David meeting Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin at a recent Chamber of Commerce Banquet.


Helping John

We recently helped John ‘Indian’ Sparks, a double amputee, get off the streets. John was homeless and in a wheel chair when a local ministry told us about him. He had no one else left to turn to and no where else to go. We found a hotel for him until more permanent housing could be found.

Finding a wheelchair accessible hotel room for a few nights until more permanent housing could be found proved difficult. One would assume that over 30 years after the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), access and design of modern buildings would be accessible to all. But, alas, that is not the case. In instances like this, I strongly encourage you to eagerly and politely advise the establishment of the inconvenience they have caused and ask that it be corrected sometime in the near future.

While we were helping John find a place to stay we also picked up food from a local food bank for him and eventually John was able to find more permanent housing and get off the streets thanks to Mays Mission’s wonderful donors.

If you would like to advocate on behalf of people like John we have free brochures we can provided you like ‘The Americans With Disabilities Act’ and ‘Making Your Community More Accessible’ that can help. These brochures were printed by employees with disabilities at Mays Mission.

Positive Language Empowers!


Interacting with people who have disabilities

We get asked a lot for help in this area, especially in workplaces, so here are some quick points to always remember:

Don’t make assumptions about people or their disabilities. If you have a question about what to do, how to do it, what language, or terminology to use, or what assistance to offer, ask the person.

Do not assume that a person with a disability is disabled in all areas of life.

Before you help someone with a disability, ask if they’d like help. In some cases, even a person who appears to be struggling is fine and would prefer to complete the task without assistance.

Look for potential obstacles for people with mobility or sensory limitations in your workplace. Identify how you might have those obstacles removed.

When writing or speaking about people with disabilities, use “people first” language: “person with a disability” versus “disabled person.”

And, as always, focus on ability, not disability!

Thank you for your support! For more information call us, message us, or email us at for a free, no strings attached copies of our brochures ‘Making Your Community More Accessible’ or ‘The Americans With Disabilities Act’ to help advocate in your community. These brochures were produced by employees with disabilities right here at Mays Mission.

Thanks for your support!


Exposure Breeds Comfort

For many people who have little exposure or experience with a disabled individual, the initial focus of the new relationship, unfortunately, is on the disability. As we have come to know, getting truly acquainted with someone takes much more than concentrating on physical characteristics. Focusing on the disability instead of the inner-beauty and personality causes uneasiness. A true and lasting relationship will take much longer to develop. If the disability is deafness, you may become very self-conscious about what you are not saying or communicating with your hands. If the disability is blindness, you may become self-conscious about pointing or saying phrases such as “see you later,” and so on. The truth is that you will probably be uneasy until your relationship has had time to develop. Focusing on a disability will only cause delay in your maturing relationship. Consider this, that you too, must be yourself in order for the good and healthy relationship to properly develop. This is true of all relationships, not simply with the disabled. In a “normal” relationship, factors such as gender, age, race, and physical features seem very pronounced when we first meet. These features quickly become secondary, and we eventually lose awareness of them completely. The same can and should be true when getting to know the disabled. Be at ease. Be yourself. Treat your new-found friend the same way that you would like to be treated. That’s the best way to develop and nurture a relationship that is long and lasting.

Please feel free to share in the comments section. If you would like more information call us at 1-888-503-7955 or email us at and thank you for supporting people with disabilities!